The alignment of Vox with Donald Trump even after the unprecedented discussion before the press that starred with the Ukrainian president, Volodomir Zelenski...
Tag - support
The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has reiterated his support for Ukraine before the Russian invasion before setting up to London to meet with the...
“There was no question, there was no answer. The kiss was surprising, unexpected, without the possibility of reaction. ” The Lieutenant Prosecutor of the...
The anger between PP and Vox grows every day and is closer to leaving more than 11 million Spaniards without budget . The reaction of the National Directorate...
This time the negotiations at the limit did not bear fruit and Junts dealt the Government one of the hardest blows since the legislature began, with a decree...
After the initial anxiety, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has decided to close ranks with Carlos Mazón, despite the errors in the management of DANA in which at least...
Like every year, politicians react after King Felipe VI’s Christmas message, which on this occasion has focused on asking for “serenity” from the...
The slogan in the Government is clear and every member of the Executive who speaks in public follows it to the letter: do not enter into the reproaches...
Podemos will consult those registered if they should maintain their support for the Government with their votes for the General State Budgets. “I want to ask...
Podemos redoubles its pressure on the Government and sets conditions to maintain its support in Congress. “The people of our country, colleagues, have said...