One of the most popular anime series of the last decade is undoubtedly Attack on Titan (shingeki no kyojin), which has lengthened its final season too much and...
Tag - shingeki no kyojin
We get interesting news for all the followers of Attack on Titan (shingeki no kyojin), since his next VR title has just been shown in motion and we are sure...
It was April 7, 2013 when anime lovers were able to discover a new and mysterious world with a series that had an impact on everyone since its inception:...
Good news comes to us for all anime fans, since one of the most important news this week was that the MAPPA Stage 2023 confirmed its date for next May and...
A couple of hours ago the Japanese followers of Attack on Titan (shingeki no kyojin) were able to enjoy the premiere of part 3 of the final season after a long...
10 years of pure adventure and action. The anime shingeki no kyojinbetter known as Attack on Titan in the West, announced that in March 2023 it will begin...
We have good news for all the fans who are waiting for the start of Attack on Titan Final The Season Part 3since those responsible have confirmed that the...
One of the most anticipated releases this year is undoubtedly that of the third part of the final season of Attack on Titan. It is because of this that fans...
There is a week left until this 2022 ends and we continue to know the lists of the most relevant in each industry. It is because of this that it has already...