Valencia woke up this Thursday among the remains of the disaster. With the emergency services deployed in the rescue efforts of the missing, the number of...
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Super Evil Megacorp has published the roadmap that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate will follow, a title that is currently only available for...
Javier Milei arrived in Madrid on another private visit paid for by the bankrupt Argentine taxpayer. The anarcholiberal had another feast in front of his...
The exhibition “From the samurai to the sleevethe Christian epic in Japan”, will remain open until July 13 at the headquarters of the Foreign...
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the patron saint of the missions, an exhibition in Paris portrays her as “a woman, an...
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the episcopal ordination of Mons. Li Shan exhibits a sample of 41 panels in the archiepiscopal palace of the capital...
Amazon Studios has joined the Fallout 25th anniversary celebrations showing the first capture from the Fallout series that can be seen on Prime Video. The...