After surviving its identity crisis of the 2010s, the franchise resident Evil Capcom has managed to reinvent itself and is currently experiencing one of its...
Tag - resident Evil
The rumors were true! Capcom confirmed this morning that the original trilogy of resident Evil will have a PC re-release. Best of all, the company will take...
resident Evil is in one of its best moments. Capcom managed to leave behind a dark time for the franchise, when we suffered with terrible spin-offs and main...
resident Evil He faced an identity crisis for many years, but he overcame it and is currently experiencing one of his best moments. Although the 7th...
Resident Evil: 2 popular installments of the saga will have a remake, according to a reliable source
In recent weeks, rumors have emerged about a possible remake of the first resident Evil. Dusk Golemone of the most reliable sources on the franchise Capcomwas...
According to recent reports, the first resident Evil will have a new remake that will take advantage of the engine’s potential RE Engine. Yes ok Capcom...
There is very little left for a new Capcom Showcase to take place and fans are in hype through the roof for the possible announcements that will be made at the...
Without a doubt, 2023 is a wonderful year for video games. While the first half saw some awful titles that turned out to be a complete disappointment and...
Beyond the mediocrity and disaster that have been the movies and live action series of resident Evilthe legacy of the franchise as a video game is well...
Yes ok Resident Evil 4 Remake debuted with fantastic results, not only financially, but also critically, it has not been without controversy. Perhaps the most...