Action in every way. The Twisted Metal series, based on the popular franchise of video game of vehicle combat of the same name, presented its first extended...
Tag - premiere
Threads, the social messaging network with which Meta intends to compete with Twitter, started this wednesday with download problems after the technology...
the walking dead It is one of those products that will be remembered for many years. The first seasons captivated lovers of suspense and plots involving...
Marvel Studios he will finally take care of the unfinished business. With the release of the first Captain Marvel movie, it was revealed that the Skrulls came...
Phase 4 of the Cinematic Universe of Marvel It had several series on Disney Plus, and the trend will continue throughout the rest of the multiverse saga (phase...
The three most popular fighting games on consoles have started to get a makeover: Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter and Tekken. The first has participated in the...
At this moment you can already see two first seasons of The Witcher in Netflix; Meanwhile, the producer is already working on the last details of the third...
Video games have become key raw material for new film adaptations. In past years we have enjoyed premieres such as “Detective Pikachu”...
The next big project Nintendoin addition to the following The Legend of Zelda for Nintendo Switch, is Super Mario Bros. The Moviea children-oriented animated...
The Cinematic Universe of Marvel He left behind several characters in the tape “Avengers: Endgame”. Tony Stark, Natasha Romanova and Steve Rogers...