The chances of signing an agreement with the International Monetary Fund are diminishing. Media regulators have banned the broadcast of the former prime...
Tag - Pakistan
PAKISTAN 12 years after the assassination, Pakistani Christians revive the message of Shahbaz Bhatti
The Christian minister assassinated in 2011 for fighting against Islamic extremism and violations of minority rights was commemorated throughout the country...
Shahida Raza came from Balochistan, where this Shia ethnic minority is persecuted and in February there has been an increase in violence by the Pakistani...
First modification: 03/01/2023 – 10:31 This Wednesday begins the phase of the door-to-door count of Pakistanis, who have launched a self-registration...
Anwar Kenneth was sentenced to death in Lahore in 2002 for an apologia for Christianity against Islam that he made in the weeks after 9/11. After the...
The other side of the “eastern route” on which the Crotone shipwreck once again focused attention. In the total of 120,000 deportees there are also...
In the country, shaken for months by political and economic tensions, the elections in the provinces of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa have been set for April 9...
Yesterday, a group of young people attended the Mass presided over by Archbishop Mons. Travas. In his homily he asked for “penance and sacrificial...
The shots were reportedly fired early yesterday morning, but the Torkham border blockade dates back to the night before. Kabul attacks Islamabad, which would...
Pakistani Islamic radicals “ban” the festival of lovers and celebrate “Modesty Day” in opposition. The countercurrent message of the...