A Christian leader said he would resume his activities, but the situation remains uncertain due to the army’s “new order” to...
Tag - missiles
A cruise missile ripped through the sky over the Podil district at 10:44 a.m., in the heart of the Ukrainian capital. A few seconds later, the ground beneath...
Following a series of drone raids, the army declared the site of the centre a “red zone” and forced the evacuation of patients. Primate...
The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has announced who will request a meeting Ukraine-NATO Council to order more defense systems and reach the...
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has chaired a two-day meeting of the National Security Council. In a note he considers the Iranian attack on the...
The Ukrainian author died on July 1, after being injured on June 27 in an attack by Russian forces in Kramatorsk, Ukraine. The writer had put fiction aside to...
Last Tuesday afternoon, RIA Pizza restaurant, in the center of the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, in the Donetsk region, was packed. It seemed to be just...
Agreements on the export of microchip components and intelligence cooperation against Pyongyang’s actions emerged from the first trip in 12 years by a...
Russia has recovered its terror strategy. After several weeks of relative calm in which the noise of shelling and crossfire echoed only in the front lineearly...
The new Japanese H3 rocket should replace the previous model reducing costs. But Japan’s space agency, partnering with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on the...