The head-on clash between the Government and the opposition that marks Spanish politics has managed to permeate the dynamics of the functioning of the...
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The Sports Administrative Court (TAD) believes that Pedro Rocha, until a week ago president of the managing committee of the Football Federation after the...
Alberto Núñez Feijóo already sees himself as President of the Government. But he does not want his electorate, who according to the polls is hypermobilized, to...
During the first quarter of 2023, Colombia managed to expand GDP by 3%, according to the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane). (See: Housing...
For a few years, any person who has spent pretrial detention and then has not been sentenced has the right to compensation. Since 2019, the courts have signed...
It happened with the Junta de Castilla y León for the anti-abortion protocol, with that of Andalucía for the irrigation of Doñana and now with the Community of...
From number 3 on Calle del General Castaños in Madrid, one could reflect on the harmonious coexistence of the public and private sectors, at least in high...
Nobody wants to make the key report on the Neurona case, which can lead both to the file and to the prosecution of the last piece of the open case around...
The landing of Alberto Núñez Feijóo in Madrid stirred up the tenants of the Moncloa. It did not take long for the man who had presided over the Xunta de...