In a world of wars and conflicts, The red button that everyone fears is nuclear weapons. The Japanese organization Nihon Hidankyo, awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace...
Tag - Japan
The information, which appears in the Japanese public body, was discussed in September and, although Javier Milei’s government is cautious while waiting...
Father Alberto Berra – PIME missionary in the city where the first atomic bomb fell in 1945 – comments on the decision to grant recognition to the...
The archbishop of Tokyo and president of Caritas Internationalis, who has been chosen by Pope Francis among the new cardinals, invites us to look at the...
The once exclusive of Xbox on consoles Palworld recently expanded to more platforms with the version of PlayStation 5. However, it did not do so without some...
On October 4, 2024, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) held the christening and launching ceremony of the submarine “Chōgei” at its Kobe shipyard in Hyogo...
In history, there have been many cases of video games that only the Japanese have been able to enjoy due to the lack of a localized version for West...
In recent days, the name of Deborah Nishimoto has been heard often in the Argentine entertainment world after the premiere of enviousthe new Netflix series...
After the success of his manga, dragon ball made the jump to anime with great success in 1989. Since then, most of the original actors who played the...
While the video game industry in the West is torn between layoffs, cancellations and delays, in Japan the perspective is different and important companies such...