The famous volleyball anime Haikyuu!! continues to expand its franchise beyond the pages of manga and the screens of anime. This contemporary classic written...
Tag - Japan
Last Tuesday, November 17, manga fans received very sad news when they learned of the death of Macoto Takahashi, one of the most emblematic figures of Japanese...
It seems that a more advanced technological reality in the world of anime is getting closer after the announcement of “Twins Hinahima”, an original series...
Pony Canyon has announced that the anime adaptation of “The mononoke lecture logs of Chuzenji-sensei: he just solves all the mysteries” will debut...
To the joy of its followers, the long-awaited return of the “Kusuriya no Hitorigoto” anime already has a confirmed date. Through the official site...
Yuki Tsunoda, born on May 11, 2000 in Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, is one of the great promises of international motorsports. Even at a very young age, Tsunoda...
The speech by Terumi Tanaka, 92, a survivor of the bombing of Nagasaki, at the Oslo ceremony: “Four thousand nuclear warheads ready to be launched means...
The technical excellence of the Japanese team was evident this Saturday, December 7, 2024 during the opening day of the International Judo Federation (IJF)...
The renowned director Genshō Yasuda, along with his studio Yasuda Gensho Studio by Xenotoon, has released two Disney-approved anime short films to accompany...
The very famous manga Hunter x Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi has once again gone on indefinite hiatus, after the publication of one last chapter for the moment...