The spokesman of the PP, Borja Sémper, lamented on Tuesday the image of “division” that, according to his party, offers the coalition government by...
Tag - increase
The irruption of Donald Trump has made the board of international politics jump through the air and threatens to become a real global earthquake with their...
In the use of the powers granted to it by the Constitution and in what many have described as a response to the refusal of the Board of Directors of the Banco...
On December 30, the Colombian Government set the value of the Capitation Payment Unit (UPC) for the year 2025, establishing the amount that will be paid...
Talking about CPI during 2024 is also referring to everything related to inflation. In this sense, the impact generated on the prices of goods and services is...
Despite the long and difficult days of negotiations between the labor unions, businessmen and the National Government to establish a consensual increase in the...
The Ministry of Health and Social Protection confirmed a few hours ago the new value that the Training Payment Unit (UPC), an amount that must be paid by all...
Starting January 1, 2025, The increase in the tax was applied to ultra-processed foods in Colombia. This is in compliance with the provisions of the tax reform...
Through a statement addressed to President Gustavo Petrothe Table of Health User Associations expressed its disagreement with the increase in the capitation...
The National Government, through the Ministry of Health, set the increase in the Capitation Payment Unit (UPC) for 2025 at 5.36%. These are the per capita...