The perpetrators of the attack against the church, a place frequented by pilgrims from all over the world, would be two Jewish extremists wearing...
Tag - Holy Land
D.E.P. Ibrahim Fouls* In the days of the episcopal ordination of the new Syro-Catholic Bishop of Mosul, a delegation from the Custody visited Iraq, a country...
The Latin primate participates in the work of the Synod on synodality that takes place from February 13 to 18. The holy city is losing its peaceful heart and...
Pope Francis’ appeal at the Angelus after those killed in the Jenin raid and those in the attack in front of a Jerusalem synagogue. He called for a...
In the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the Latin primate reflected on the conflicts that wear out and hope. It is a mission to which all the Churches are...
In the closing statement of the annual visit, the bishops of Europe and North America highlight the commitment of the Hashemite kingdom to welcome them. Jordan...
In May 2009 the pontiff made a historic visit to the region. Vatican member Franco Pisano recalls for readers the stages and meetings in Jordan, Israel and the...
The prelate highlights the “silence” regarding the deaths related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Concern over the language used by senior...