The prime minister named Shotaro, 31, as the new executive secretary, a key position in his government team. The move follows a widespread practice in Tokyo...
Tag - fumio kishida
First modification: 09/09/2022 – 13:26 Fumio Kishida’s government has been weakened by its ties to the Unification Church (or Moon sect) since the...
First modification: 08/24/2022 – 16:09 Japan will accelerate the restart of its nuclear reactors, closed since the Fukushima accident in 2011, and will...
Prime Minister Kishida called on MPs to review their ties to the Unification Church after the attack on Shinzo Abe. The formation of the new cabinet aims to...
First modification: 08/10/2022 – 11:53 Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, whose popularity has been plummeting in the polls, has been forced to...
The Japanese media announce the death in Nara hospital after the attack this morning. The longest-serving Prime Minister in recent Japanese history, he had...
July 10 will be a test for Prime Minister Kishida, whose popularity is falling due to rising inflation. Young people in the streets to ask for more attention...