() – Authorities in France detained Pavel Durov, the Franco-Russian billionaire who founded the messaging app Telegram, at an airport outside Paris, according...
Tag - France
Yeah Napoleon Bonaparte If he were resurrected, 47% of French people would be willing to vote for him in the next presidential election scheduled for 2027...
The French President, Emmanuel Macronhas appointed on Saturday the members of the new government that will accompany Prime Minister Michel Barnier in making...
The visit to Armenia by Stéphane Séjourné, outgoing minister of the French government and candidate for European Commissioner, was viewed with suspicion in...
“There is no forgiveness. These men are degenerates. They committed rape.“. This is how forceful he was this Wednesday Gisele Pélicotthe French...
Gisele Pelicotthe woman whose husband drugged her for 10 years so that dozens of men would rape her while she was unconscious, has sent a message this Monday...
Dominique Pélicot, the man who drugged his wife for 10 years, Gisele Pélicotand offered her on the Internet for more than 50 men to rape her, he confessed in...
The non-prosecution agreement reached with the courts by paying the fine is the largest of its kind related to the environment that has been signed in France...
One of more than 50 men tried in the case of Dominique Pélicot, who drugged his wife, Gisèle, with tranquilizers so that others would rape her while she was...
Shock in France over The brutal assault of a three-year-old girl by her teacher at a public preschool in Paris. The incident was recorded by a mother who...