This year, the highly anticipated K-drama titled Begins Youthbased on the narrative universe of BTS, finally hit the screens after years of anticipation. The...
Tag - bts
Rosé, a member of the famous K-pop group BLACKPINK, has marked an impressive milestone in the music industry by becoming the K-pop artist with the highest...
Over the past five years, the K-pop phenomenon has proven to be much more than just one musical style among many others. Currently, South Korean pop music has...
In the digital information age, where social media and platforms like YouTube have become channels of expression, the fine line between freedom of expression...
World-renowned K-pop group BTS has been included in the list of “The Best Pop Artists of the 21st Century” by Billboardthe American magazine indicated in a...
After years of debate and speculation about a possible exemption, the popular K-pop band has announced that it will follow the enrollment procedures like all...