Last month of Novemberthe people of Bogotá received their water bill in their homes for the first time with a new design, made to give users greater facilities...
Tag - bill
The introduction of the health reform to Congress last Friday generated criticism, discouragement and concern among the actors in the sector, who claimed that...
From August 1st The way in which Colombians receive their utility bills will be adjusted. A change aimed not only at optimizing administrative processes, but...
Four years later, Madrid’s president Isabel Díaz Ayuso has revealed the bill for her stay in the luxury apartments Be Mate, then owned by businessman...
The Electronic bill It is a topic of discussion that has been gaining ground among businesses and consumers in the last year. And for some time now, the...
The country has just emerged from a El Niño phenomenon that generated stress in the electrical system and even led the Ministry of Mines and Energy to consider...
The opposition, formed by the Kuomintang and the Taiwan People’s Party and with a majority in Parliament, has presented a series of amendments that...
The electronic invoice is a document that has the same validity as the traditional paper one. This serves as a support for transactions that involve the sale...
Whether for its price, for curbing the environmental impact or for accessing new technologies, the second hand cell phone market and especially the segment of...
In Spain, corruption and judicial accusations have come to overthrow governments on a national scale. It happened with Felipe González in 1996 and with Mariano...