Nobody was talking about ETA this time until the Socialist Party did. The news during much of the April 21 electoral race in Euskadi was that the defunct...
Tag - bildu
ETA does not end for the PP on May 28. It will continue, at least, until the general elections scheduled for next December. The party led by Alberto Núñez...
United We Can has registered a dozen amendments to the proposal to reform the law of ‘only yes is yes’ presented by the PSOE in the face of the...
Esquerra Republicana and EH Bildu have registered this Thursday some twenty amendments to the proposal to reform the law of ‘only yes is yes’...
Esquerra Republicana has advanced this Wednesday that it wants to register a proposal to try to reactivate the reform of the gag law after the failure on...
Yolanda Díaz’s proposal to involve the large food chains in an agreement that limits the rise in prices of basic products was greeted with suspicion by...