The new anime of Pokemon It already aired in Japan and with it Ash Ketchum passed the baton as the protagonist to Liko, the new young woman from Paldea who...
Tag - Ash Ketchum
As anticipated, today the original anime of Pokemon after 26 years of uninterrupted broadcast. The final episode was full of memories and beautiful feelings...
the anime of Pokemon very soon it will cease to be as we know it, since it will no longer focus on Ash Ketchum, its eternal protagonist. The young man from...
As we told you, the series of Pokemon as we know it is nearing its end. But first, The Pokémon Company has prepared a special that is expected to be full of...
Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube / Instagram / News / Discord /Telegram Pokémon already has more than 26 years of history, it has an anime of...