
Syria blames Israel for Majdal Shams deaths

Syria blames Israel for Majdal Shams deaths

Jul 28. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has blamed Israel for 12 civilian deaths in the town of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

“As part of the Israeli occupation’s attempts to escalate the conflict in our region and expand the scope of its aggression, it committed a horrendous crime yesterday in the town of Majdal Shams in the Syrian Golan Heights, occupied since 1967, and then blamed the Lebanese resistance for its crime,” the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by the official Syrian news agency, SANA.

He also stressed the position of “our people in the Syrian Golan, who have rejected the Israeli occupation for decades and have refused to give up their Syrian Arab identity.” “They will not be fooled by the lies and false accusations of the occupation against the Lebanese national resistance (…). Our people in the Syrian Golan are and will remain an integral part of the resistance to the occupation and its aggressive policies,” he stressed.

Damascus also condemned “the Israeli occupation’s continuous massacres, one after another” and its “blatant attempts to invent pretexts to expand the scope of its aggression.” For Syria, Israel will thus be “fully responsible for this dangerous regional escalation.”

Twelve Israeli Druze civilians, most of them minors, were killed on Sunday in Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights, by what Israel said was an Iranian rocket fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon. Hezbollah, however, denies any involvement and blames an Israeli anti-aircraft interceptor missile.

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