economy and politics

Superfinanciera warned that it does not regulate or endorse cryptocurrency operations

Financial Supervision

The Financial Superintendency recalled that it does not regulate, supervise, or endorse operations or business models based on so-called ‘cryptocurrencies’.

He explained that among the citizens A false “license to trade in cryptocurrencies” is circulating, supposedly granted to a natural person who identifies himself as Jesús Manuel Negrete Quintana.

(Also: Should cryptocurrencies be included in the tax return? This is what an expert says).

The entity warned the general public that this The supervisory body does not supervise, regulate, monitor, endorse, or grant permissions to carry out transactions or develop business models based on virtual assets, popularly known as ‘cryptocurrencies’.

(Read: How the crypto wave is impacting Latin America’s financial ecosystem).

Financial Supervision

Courtesy of the Financial Superintendency

The entity said that calls on citizens to avoid being deceived with ‘cryptocurrency’ exchange operations supported by a supposed license such as the one seen in the image at the beginning of this note, since said document is false and its promoters only seek to illegally appropriate people’s money.


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