economy and politics

Sumar heats up the European pre-campaign to try to remove his candidate from anonymity

Sumar heats up the European pre-campaign to try to remove his candidate from anonymity

Sumar arrives exhausted to the electoral cycle that began at the beginning of the year with the Galician elections and will conclude in three weeks with the European elections on June 9. The four campaigns that have come together with these appointments with the polls have prevented Yolanda Díaz from deploying her training and taking a breath and taking political initiative. For this final act, the EU elections, the coalition has planned a series of pre-campaign events that will serve to launch a head of the list, Estrella Galán, still very unknown among the electorate.

The electoral alliance in which Izquierda Unida, the Comuns, Más Madrid, Compromís and other smaller formations such as Verdes Equo, the Andalusian People’s Initiative and Chunta Aragonesista are integrated, has scheduled a carousel of events in different places in Spain to warm up the territory of the Europeans. This Wednesday, Galán went to the Pradera de San Isidro, in Madrid, for the local festivals, and this weekend he has events with Yolanda Díaz in Jerez, on Friday, and in Las Palmas, on Sunday. Next Monday, in addition, Yolanda Díaz presents the candidate at an informative breakfast.

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