
Sudanese civil coalition calls for peace in the country as fighting intensifies in El Fasher

Sudanese civil coalition calls for peace in the country as fighting intensifies in El Fasher


The Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Tagadum) of Sudan, a coalition of civil organizations headed by the country’s former prime minister Abdullah Hamdok, called this Sunday for an end to the war between the Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). , which has plunged the country into one of the most serious humanitarian crises in the world.

“The humanitarian crisis in Sudan caused by this war is the worst in the world, with increasing rates of displacement, refugee departures and hunger that worsen every day,” reads a statement published after a virtual meeting and reported by the Sudan Tribune portal.

Tagadum has also condemned war crimes committed by both sides, including “murders, looting, artillery bombardments and air strikes”, and has called for unimpeded access for humanitarian aid, considering that both the Armed Forces and The RSF does not fulfill its commitments regarding this issue.

In addition, he has especially criticized the Army and the components of the previous regime of Omar Hasan al Bashir for “spreading terrorism, eliminating opponents, promoting racism and hatred and attacking democratic civilian forces”, after which he has urged the population to “resist hate speech.”

The coalition has insisted on the need for the international community to coordinate and work to address the humanitarian crisis, achieve a ceasefire and achieve a peaceful and political solution to the conflict, in addition to asking countries to refrain from sending war material or to politically support either party.

Regarding the fighting, Tagadum has expressed concern about the recent increase in fighting throughout the country, especially after recent reports about the arrival of new Army reinforcements in the city of El Fasher, capital of the North Darfur region, which has been the scene for months of an intense siege by the RSF and in which both parties have demanded progress.

“El Fasher has received large military reinforcements from the northern axis of the state of North Darfur,” declared the military spokesman for the Army’s joint force, Ahmed Hussein Mustafa, to the aforementioned portal.


It should be noted that the vice president of the Sudanese Sovereign Transition Council, Malik Agar, has boycotted a peace forum held on Saturday in South Africa in protest at the participation of an RSF delegation.

“Trying to force the Sudanese to coexist with the militia is unacceptable,” reads a statement from the Agar Office, which considers it a “serious disdain” to the Sudanese that the paramilitaries have been invited.

This action comes a few days after the RSF assured that it would seek military victory by ending negotiations with the Army, which it has accused of “wanting war.” It should be noted that the Armed Forces refused to participate in a round of negotiations sponsored by the United States and the UN in Switzerland, considering that the RSF violated the Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) agreements signed in May 2023.

Sudan is mired in a civil war following hostilities that broke out in April 2023 within the framework of increased tensions over the integration of the RSF within the Armed Forces, a key part of a signed agreement in December 2022 to form a new civilian government and reactivate the transition opened after the 2019 overthrow of Omar Hasan al Bashir, damaged by the coup d’état of October 2021, in which the then transition minister, Abdullah Hamdok, was overthrown. .

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