
Successfully lands a plane that flew almost 14 hours with a hole in the fuselage (PHOTOS)

Successfully lands a plane that flew almost 14 hours with a hole in the fuselage (PHOTOS)


Jul 6, 2022 02:25 GMT

Due to the breakdown, the aircraft was unable to operate the return flight to Dubai and remained for some time in the Australian city of Brisbane.

An Airbus A380-800 that last week operated an Emirates airline flight between Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and Brisbane (Australia) remained flying for almost 14 hours with a huge hole in the side of the fuselage, without the crew or the Passengers will notice the damage.

According to Aviation Heraldwhich collects air incidents, the pilots of flight EK-430 reported a heavy blow after the plane took off from the Emirati airport. Suspecting that one of the plane’s tires might have burst, the crew alerted air traffic control in Brisbane.

When the plane successfully landed and the passengers left the Airbus, the engineers found a large hole in the left wing root fairing. Due to the failure, the plane could not operate the return flight and remained for some time in the Australian city.

The plane probably suffered damage to the fuselage while it was separating from the ground, according to the airline’s opinion.

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