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Successful enrollment process lives the ULagos this 2023

Successful enrollment process lives the ULagos this 2023

Period ends on January 27, however, more than 90% of the places for careers on campuses and venues are already full.

Lorena Bustos Novoa, Communications University of Los Lagos.- The University of Los Lagos had a successful enrollment process during the first stage of this process, which, although it was basically carried out online, many preferred to do it in person at offices on the Osorno campus, Puerto Montt, and the Castro campus.

Until the closing of this first stage of enrollment, 90% of the places that the University of Los Lagos has in each of its careers had already been completed by 2023 and the careers with the greatest demand, as has already been a constant, those of the Health area.

“It has been a general issue, as in the rest of the institutions, the health and psychology careers are the most in demand, it seems that a good part of the preferences, I would say that more or less 40% of the global is in those health careers and to which we add psychology from both Osorno and Puerto Montt and Castro, so we expect very good enrollment in that. In general, I think that the number of students is better distributed because there are many more applications, that is very important to tell people, that we more than doubled the applications compared to the previous year when we had something like 1,320, this year more than 3,600 and This is a very big commitment that we assume as a university with these boys and girls who come and who have preferred us, they are high school students in a pandemic and therefore, we will have to support them, help them, give them all the possible tools so that can save their formative process successfully”, Cecilia Planas maintained, Secretary of Studies and delegate of the ULagos before the system of access to Higher Education of the Mineduc.

Although registration can be done online through a few simple steps, many families preferred to accompany their students and get to the university, some get to know it and go through it to make it part of what will be their next years.

I chose Social work and this university because first it is close to me and because I really like the campus, I came to apply for applications and get to know it, and decide if I would come here and it seemed very big to me, that’s why I chose it. You could say that I am the first of my closest family to enter the university, everyone is supporting me”, points out Scarlett Villagra, new Social Work student.

“I studied at the Carmela Carvajal high school, I was in doubt but I knew that it was something about health that I wanted to study. When I was a girl I learned about the University because my aunt also studied here. I know that the race has a long way to go, so I think everything will go well”, indicates Martina Fuentes, Nursing student.

Her father who accompanied herZacarias Fuenteshe was proud to enroll his only daughter. “I am in the process of enrolling my daughter, she enrolled in nursing. The university is very beautiful, I think that the one she is going to take is a big step, I am going to support her in everything. My wife, like me, is very happy and we are going to support her in everything”.

Fernanda Carrasco enrolled in the Media Pedagogy career in Language and Communicationcomes from the Abdón Andrade High School in La Unión. “I chose this degree because I like this university because I feel that it has a very welcoming atmosphere between students and professors. My expectations are to be in an environment that is pleasant, that there is support between teachers and students”.

The registration period will be extended until January 27, however, once the careers complete their available places, they close the admissions of new students. It is estimated that this year there will be around 1,900 students entering the first year of a course at the University of Los Lagos at its different campuses and venues, and more than 80% of them will do so with the benefit of being free.



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