Science and Tech

Stockholm has a plan to promote the electric vehicle: a mega-parking with more than a thousand charging points


It is as basic as it is important: if we want to have electric cars we need charging points public. And in full transition towards a decarbonized mobility model, in which everything indicates that this type of vehicle will play an increasingly important role, Spain still seems to have a long way to go to equip itself with a comprehensive infrastructure.

Statistical data show that in 2021 it was the tenth country in Europe in public charging points, far behind the Netherlands or Germany, and also the target for 2023.

In Sweden they have just shown that this muscle can grow from a spurt. How? With one of the largest facilities for electric vehicles in all of Europe, a car park with more than a thousand charging points located on the outskirts of Stockholm, in a growing area.

Today the parking lot already has 800, but once it has completed all its infrastructure it will exceed 1,000. With these data, the responsible firm, Stockholm Parkeringclaims that it is the largest electric car park in Europe.

Objective: to reinforce the offer

The car park is located at Hagastadenon the outskirts of Stockholm, one of the capital’s great urban development poles —with 6,000 new homes and 50,000 jobs—, and is distributed throughout different underground levels. The facility is intended to offer parking for both visitors and residents. In fact, it has been built to a large extent to guarantee it to the houses of Hagastaden that cannot provide their own spaces.

The facility is divided into three big segments, each provided with its own entrances. The works started eight years ago, in May 2014, and Stockholm Parkering’s plans are for the complex to be completely finished and to enter service in 2026 or 2027.

We have a plan to fill Spain with plugs for electric cars.  And at the moment it's pretty bad

When the entire structure is ready, it will exceed 1,000 charging pointswhich will reinforce the current supply of 800. At the top of the structure, the Norra Stationsparken will open.

Participates in the installation the CTEK company, which specifies that in the new car park each space is equipped with its own Chargestorm Connected 2 EV charging point. “Stockholm is experiencing a rapid increase in demand for charging stations for electric vehicles and this latest installation is part of the city’s work to electrify traffic,” explain the signature.

The objective of the municipality goes in fact much beyond the new installation of Hagastaden. In 2026 Stockholm Parking wants to incorporate charging in all its garages and offer a wide offer by 2030 that allows to have one point for every 16 neighbors of the county of Stockholm.

“The electric is today the most common car when buying a new vehicle. For this development to progress without obstacles, there must be a wide range of charging points”, Daniel Hellden pointed outresponsible for Stockholm Parkering, during the opening of places.

The figures for the Swedish capital contrast with those of Spain as a whole, where the objective of the Executive —precise Five days— involves achieving a network of recharging stations of around 100,000 points in 2023. Last February, the national employers’ association of automobile manufacturers, Anfaccalculated that there would be some 13,400 public access points in the country.

Although we continue to install public recharging points, we are still far from the 340,000 public accesses that we should have in 2030 according to the manufacturers association. The target to be achieved for the employer is 10.3 recharging points for every thousand people of driving age.

Images | CETK

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