Star Wars Outlaws is an action game set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, when the galaxy becomes a playground for the underworld as the war between the Empire and the Rebellion reaches its climax. In this context appears Kay Vess, a “rookie hustler” who wants to start a new life as an outlaw willing to complete assignments as long as the reward is worth it. Vess travels the galaxy accompanied by Nix, a pet merqaal who follows her everywhere, even in combat.
During her adventure, Vess will complete assignments for crime syndicates, leading her to visit four different planets, including Akiva, Kijimi, Cantonica, and Tatooine, each of which have biomes and a size similar to that of two areas of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. It will also be possible to travel to the Toshara Moon, a new area in the Star Wars universe. To move around the galaxy, our protagonist has a ship called the Star Chaser with which she can carry out space combat against the Empire and other enemies, while for terrestrial exploration she can use vehicles.
There are five crime syndicates in Star Wars Outlaws. The Hutt Cartel led by Jabba the Hutt is based on the planet Tatooine and its members love galactic credits; the Pyke Syndicate has made its fortune in the spice trade and rules the moon of Toshara; the mysterious Crimson Dawn is led by Lady Qi’ra and often operates in the shadows; the Ashiga Clan is a completely new syndicate and its members have no eyes, so their designs have a lot of tactile elements; and lastly we have Zerek Besh, who is not part of the reputation system due to acting as the antagonist.
How players approach the missions they undertake as Vess will depend on each player. This is an open-world game from Ubisoft, so in that sense those interested already know more or less what to expect. Stealth and direct combat, but with Star Wars elements such as a blaster and gadgets, plus Nix, who can help out in combat. The Star Wars Outlaws campaign can be completed in about 25 or 30 hours, a length that completionists will probably double. For those who want more, there is a season pass with access to two narrative expansions.
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