
Sri Lanka The Walawe River and illegal gem trafficking

In recent days, a police operation has discovered an organization that uses heavy machinery for a very profitable activity with serious damage to the environment. Local activists: The problem has been denouncing for a long time, but until now it has had a strong political cover -up.

Colombo (Asianews) – The illegal extraction of large -scale precious stones that have been carried out for years several groups with heavy machinery on the Walawe River, famous for the production of precious stones, was dismantled in recent days by agents of the agents of the Special Forces of the Kahawatta Police (STF) and the National Gem and Jewellery Authority (NGJA). The operation was carried out in Ekata Gatuma, in Nivithigala, Erabedda (province of Sabaragamuwa). According to NGJA officials, although in the past several similar operations had been planned, they had been frustrated by political interference, and there are still doubts about the real effectiveness of this intervention.

The Walawe river basin is the largest fourth in the country and is rich in biodiversity. However, almost all rice fields in the area are transforming into precious stones mines. Environmentalists warn that this ecosystem may not last long: the streams have become murky and people living on the banks of the river can no longer use the water. Mining activities are carried out by building improvised dams. Some of them have a license, but most operate illegally. In addition to extracting gems, illegal miners also extract sand for additional income.

The police operation allowed the arrest of 20 people, which were subsequently released on bail. Among the articles seized during the raid are three modern dangraine machines, used to extract gems from the river bed, seven air compressors and equipment for the immersions, such as two boats loaded with barrels to maintain the machinery in the water, three generators and three electric pumps.

“We had filed complaints before local authorities – they tell Asianews local activists Kapurubandanda Piyasena, Jinasena Sathurusinghe and Menike Atapattu – but these complaints were useless because the mafias that develop these illegal activities have the help of high -level politicians. Research is generally delayed as much as possible to allow mafia to complete their illegal extraction of gems. There have been occasions in the past when illegal activities have been carried out in the presence of the police and employees of GEM Corporation. After allowing them to remove the land throughout the night, the officials broke up and imposed a fine of 225,000 rupees for using heavy machinery and carrying out illegal excavations. But such a sum for a rich land game in precious stones is a blessing for these criminals: what they extract can win billions. “

The lawyers Malithi Ratnayaka and Nalinda Hewawitharana explain that “according to the law, a surprised person extracting gems within a forest reserve cannot be fined by the GEM Corporation. Therefore, freeing the suspects and the product of their looting after imposing a fine is not within the authorities of the authority. The official responsible for the Irrigation Department had filed a claim against Geological Survey and Mines Bureau and the Police. However, the powerful support of local politicians caused these measures to be useless. “

Photo: Flickr / Amanderson2

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