Spain stands out on the photovoltaic map. The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Photovoltaic Power Systems Program just published your annual report on the market on a global scale, a detailed “snapshot” that shows its trends and drift throughout 2022. And in a growth scenario, in which 240 GW were registered in new installed systems and the global photovoltaic base increased to reach With 1,185 GW of accumulated capacity, Spain occupies a relevant place. For the potential gained. And above all by penetration.
What does the data say? And what readings do they leave?
The overall “photo”. Throughout 2022, the IEA verified a “significant growth” of the global photovoltaic base. Enough, in fact, to add 240 gigawatts (GW) in new installed systems and reach 1,185 GW of accumulated capacity despite the difficulties of the context, very marked by those derived from the war in Ukraine and the price increases that followed the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not the only positive touch that the IEA leaves.
The agency’s technicians specify that —at least among those analyzed in the report— there are almost a dozen countries in which the penetration rate of solar energy exceeds 10%, which demonstrates its footprint on the global electricity supply. “Photovoltaics has shown that it is a serious, important and long-term contribution to the generation of electricity”, stand out from the body.
And what role does Spain play? One of the interesting points that the IEA itself underlines is the weight that solar energy has achieved in the electricity supply of our country. In The report of Photovoltaic Power Systems Program —in which a long score of nations from all over the world participate, as well as international organizations— Spain achieves the highest penetration rate. Its 2022 rate was 19.1%, more than one and a half points above Greece, which holds the second position in the table with a penetration of 17.5%.
The ‘TOP 5’ is completed by Chile (17%), the Netherlands (15.9%) and Australia (15.7%). In the IEA tables there are nine countries with penetration rates that exceed 10%, two more than in the 2022 study. “High rates are not reserved for small, sunny climates or countries with low consumption, as Germany shows and India”, pick up technicians. The percentage of penetration in the EU market is 8.7% and in China 6.5%. At a broader level, the contribution of photovoltaics amounts to about 6.2% of world demand.
Leading the way in installed power. Another of the points in which Spain has managed to stand out in the IEA study. Globally, the agency identifies that the photovoltaic “muscle” has been strengthened, with 240 GW in new systems installed and activated. In the specific case of the European Union, 38.7 GW were installed, reaching a cumulative capacity of 209.3 GW.
It is in this context that Spain stands out, which would be the leading nation in the bloc in terms of installed capacity last year, with 8.1 GW, slightly ahead of Germany (7.5 GW) and just two points behind Brazil, which recorded 9.9. India and the US exceeded 18 GW. In terms of accumulated capacity, Spain marked 26.6 GW last year, which places it in the seventh position of the global ‘TOP 10’, although well behind Germany (67.2 GW) or Australia (30).
Chinese weight. If there is a country that stands out both in annual installed capacity in 2022 and in accumulated capacity, it is China. In the first case it reached 106 GW. In the second, 414.5 GW. In both, it is well ahead of the sum of the countries that make up the EU, the US or India. “With continued growth, China remains the top regional market in 2022, with more than 45% of new capacity, a market share not seen since 2018.” ditch.
Can Spain relax? The IEA report gives Spain a relevant role, leading the penetration ranking and placing it at the head of the EU in installed power in 2022. The fact that its role is prominent does not mean, however, that the expansion of renewables is free of challenges . The Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) already has shown his discomfort for what they consider a lack of agility when processing the facilities and the Executive itself has finished assuming the jam with renewables. everything, with some other slap on the wrist of Brussels in between precisely because of the application of the green directive.
He National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) has set the objective that photovoltaic solar reach 21,713 in 2025 with the final goal of reaching 39,181 MW by 2030. According to the Statista portallast year the photovoltaic solar potential installed in Spain was around 19,800 MW, about 4,500 more than in 2021. the last balance from Red Eléctrica, from this same month, places the figure somewhat higher, at 20,324 MW. UNEF has already sued an upward revision of the plan to deploy up to 65 GW of photovoltaic power on land-based flats by 2030.
Images: Thomas Coker (Unsplash) and Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2023 (IEA-PVPS)
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