The movie of Super Mario Bros. is a success by all accounts and has earned the praise of many celebrities, renowned creatives and even Disney. The top manager of Sony already saw it and also said wonders about the Nintendo franchise.
Sony just held its latest board meeting, where it was possible to ask questions from CFO and COO Hiroki Totori and CEO Kenichiro Yoshida.
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Sony’s top leader has already seen the movie Super Mario
The curious thing is that without asking him directly, but to answer a question about the expansion plans and investment in IP, Yoshida revealed that he was a fan of Super Mario when he debuted Super Mario Bros. in 1983 and that he played it “intensely”.
Yoshida mentioned that he recently saw Super Mario Bros. The Movie and took the opportunity to refer to the IP of Super Mario as “beautiful and wonderful” and highlighted how endearing and well-cultivated IP stands the test of time.
In case you missed it: Super Mario Bros. The Movie It is the most successful in all history in Mexico.
“I played the game of Super Mario 30 years ago. I was so intense playing the title”, recalled the executive. “An endearing IP can survive 20, 50 or even 100 years. That’s something we want to invest in for sustainable growth.”
In that sense, Totoki mentioned that IP content continues to be the main thing in terms of strategic investment, be it anime, movies, video games, etc.
“Entertainment can connect people,” Yoshida concluded.
What do you think of Yoshida’s statements? Tell us in the comments.
The movie of Super Mario debuted on April 5, 2023. You can find more news related to this series if you visit this page.
Related video: The Super Mario Bros. Movie – Trailer ““Mushroom Kingdom” | The Game Awards 2022
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