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In recent months, GameStop, the popular American video game store, has made headlines for all the wrong reasons; from selling 9/11 NFTs to sharing private customer data without permission. Fortunately, this time it is news for a more pleasant and fun situation.
This week, Reddit user Livrax7, believed to be an employee at a GameStop location, shared a photo of a PlayStation 4 Pro console themed after Donald Trump, the former 45th President of the United States. As expected, the publication gained a lot of visibility in the last few hours and caused all kinds of comments.
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Meet this curious Donald Trump-themed PlayStation 4
Apparently, a customer went to a store chain location and sold the custom Sony console. Unfortunately, there is no information on how much the store spent and, more importantly, if it is still available for purchase. Perhaps this unusual item is waiting for a new owner.
As seen in the image below, the PS4 Pro console has shades of blue, red and white, a clear reference to the American flag. The most striking, of course, is the portrait of Donald Trump that occupies half of the hardware. Some Internet users noticed that on the front it is possible to read the legend “I am rich, build the wall”.
Lastly, the customer sold GameStop a DualShock 4 that also has American flag-themed decorations. Without a doubt, we are facing a couple of very peculiar articles that both fans of the former president and patriots will be able to enjoy. And yes, we do not doubt that someone acquires them out of mere curiosity.
But tell us, what do you think of this curious console? Let us read you in the comments.
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