economy and politics

Socialist barons close ranks with Sánchez after calls for Feijóo’s rebellion

The PP has called on the socialist barons to rebel against the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, for the reform of the crime of sedition and has asked them to reject it. This claim, however, is not succeeding, and there are already several PSOE barons who are siding with the leader of the Executive.

The Government's proposal on sedition reduces the maximum prison sentences to five years

The Government’s proposal on sedition reduces the maximum prison sentences to five years

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“I think it is convenient that we look like Europe”, said the president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, who has remarked that she supports that the Criminal Code “adjusts to European regulations” and considers that the government reform “has all the normality of the world”. Armengol’s statements have been made in plenary session of Parliament, in response to Vox spokesman Jorge Campos.

Thus, the leader of the Balearic Executive has accused the far-right deputy of having “absolutely zero” legal knowledge and has assured that it is when the right governs “when there are more independentists and when more people want to separate from Spain.”

For his part, in Castilla-La Mancha, its president, Emiliano García-Page, has told Feijóo that the PSOE does not have to be the solution to the “political impotence” of the PP. In statements to the media this Tuesday in Toledo, Page has indicated that “they must be very bad [en el PP] if they expect the PSOE to lend them a hand”.

The Castilian-Manchego president has thus stated that he “will not cheer” the presidents of the PP so that they position themselves against Feijóo. “It does not seem to me that it is the way”, he has riveted himself, to add that “everyone has to defend their ground”. Asked about what the PSOE will do when it comes to positioning itself on the matter, he has said that it will proceed to comply with what “the majority of the group” says.

“It is incredible that the PP is attempting a socialist rebellion against Pedro Sánchez,” the president of Aragon, Javier Lambán, has launched in a Twitter message. In the text, he stressed that he “is against suppressing sedition”, but he has sent a clear message to the party led by Feijóo: “Do not count on me for your strategies.”

The president of Aragon has assured that if the PP really were “alternative” and believed “in itself” it would present the motion. “They dare not”, he has sentenced himself.

For his part, the president of Extremadura indicated this Friday that with the Sánchez government and this reform, “what has been broken is the independence movement and the ‘procés’”. This is how Guillermo Fernández Vara positioned himself in a message on his Twitter profile, in which he acknowledged that “five years ago Spain broke up” after the PP “had two independence referendums and a DUI.”

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