economy and politics

Social networks recover Cuca Gamarra’s visit to the restaurant where a PP councilor sang ‘Cara al sol’

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The controversy continues around the Bureo de Guadalajara restaurant in which a councilor from Cabanillas del Campo (Guadalajara) and former mayor of this town was recorded singing the Falangist hymn ‘Cara al sol’ during a party. The regional president of the PP Paco Núñez announced yesterday that an information file was opened on Jaime Celada and that the case was put in the hands of the Party Guarantees Committee.

And meanwhile, in the last hours an image of the general secretary of the PP Cuca Gamarra has been disseminated on social networks at the doors of the same restaurant. In the image, she poses with the senator and former mayor of Guadalajara, Antonio Román, among other people.

It must be remembered that the municipal group of United We Can Izquierda Unida has asked the Secretary of State for Democratic Memory to clarify whether the participation of Jaime Celada in the act where the Falangist anthem was sung may constitute an infraction, within the framework of the Law of Democratic Memory.

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