The DataCrédito risk center, which gathers the financial information of millions of people, will hold special days so that Colombians can check their credit score or ‘score’ for free from their cell phones.
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Keep in mind that DataCrédito is one of the most recognized risk centers in Colombia and receives information from multiple banks and entities. For example, when contracting a telephone or mobile data plan with any operator, you authorize the use of your data, which allows the company to send reports to DataCrédito. Using this information about your payment behavior, the central office calculates a credit score ranging from 150 to 950 and creates your financial history.
To grant credits or services in the country, entities usually consult these risk centers to evaluate whether you have good or bad payment behavior. Being “reported” in DataCrédito does not necessarily imply a negative impact, since the center registers both positive and negative reports.
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How the score is calculated Archive
The score is calculated taking into account several factors, the most important of which are the management of credit history and compliance with obligations or the types of credits that the person has.
“It is a reflection of our financial health and demonstrated experience as part of the interaction with multiple sectors of the economy.“said Cristian Castillo, Commercial Head of DataCrédito Experian. “This numerical value has been used over the years by entities that grant credit, but with the arrival of cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence, it has been possible to reach more advanced scores through the analysis of many more variables.“, he concluded.
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So you can check your score
DataCrédito offers its Midatacrédito tool so that people can review their positive and negative reports, history and credit score. But to specifically check the ‘score’, you normally have to pay for a plan that costs from $19,400 per month.
However, for two days, access to the credit score will be completely free, with the purpose that more Colombians can know their financial information, according to the company.

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This September 28 and 29, those interested will be able to see the ‘score’ using the app.
These are the steps:
1. Download on your cell phone the Midatacrédito application. (Available for devices with Android operating system). Go to the Play Store and search for the platform name.
2. As soon as the app is installed, create an account on the platform with your ID, email and other information.
3. Once you have registered, You will have access to the application in which they will show you the score, history and reports.
Please note that this It will only work from the app, not from the web portal or from the computer.
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