
Smartphones boost gender equality in agriculture

Nanuli works in the fields behind her home in Karaleti, Georgia.

Nestled in the vast plains of Georgia, at the foot of the snow-capped mountains of the Caucasus, Malika Machalikashvili’s farm in Pankisi was once quite traditional. She and her family shared the daily work of tending the cattle and poultry, growing vegetables, and maintaining the hazelnut orchard, along with a few fruit trees and berry bushes. She used to take the products to the local market or sometimes even to the one in the country’s capital, Tbilisi. Today, in addition to the new additions to the farm, such as a greenhouse and a modern irrigation system, the newest change is that now sell your products through a smartphone.

For the past three years, Malika has attended training courses from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), funded by the European Union. Delivered on demo plots and farms, this hands-on training teaches participants the best habits in the industry. These platforms have also proven to be very useful in teaching rural men and women about gender equality, gender-based violence, and women’s economic empowerment.

In addition, in association with other organizations, such as the Population Fund Nations, FAO also provides gender-responsive training to communities. These trainings help small-scale women farmers to feel empowered to defend their rights, grow their businesses and implement successful economic initiatives.

Higher returns, more opportunities

Thanks to the good agricultural practices learned, Malika was able to improve soil fertility and increase the yield of her fruits and vegetables. With the increase in performance, he saw an opportunity to explore new marketing channels.

Malika recalls that a leading farmer from the Pankisi farmer field school, Nino Khakhichashvili, always told her “to advertise my products on social media”.

Inspired by her colleague, Malika followed the advice during the first outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). With the help of her 14-year-old grandson, she got used to taking photos, recording voice messages and posting on social media and group messaging apps. Gradually, she attracted the interest of buyers. As a result, your smartphone digital channels became new platforms for earning income.

Also during the COVID-19 pandemic, Malika joined a women’s messaging group from Pankisi, where they share images of many different items for sale: cakes, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and even household items.

“I was worried about losing income,” Malika admits. “So I started putting photos” [en el grupo de mensajería].

During the harvest season, she continues to send updates about the vegetables and fruits from her garden, and throughout the year she shares pictures of her dairy products. As an active member of this digital space, Malika sets an example for other women in Pankisi.

Nanuli works in the fields behind her home in Karaleti, Georgia.

Smartphones: financial independence

The use of social networks is transforming the lives of people everywhere, even in small villages like Malika’s. Before, neighbors visited each other in person to sell their products. Now the internet and smartphones are essential for communication within and between local communities. They are also proving to be great tools for small farmers to market their produce.

By simply browsing an app on their mobile phone, consumers can find pictures of Malika’s or other farmers’ cottage cheese and know when it will be delivered. And most importantly, they can learn what makes Malika’s dairy so special, realizing the care with which she crafts her products.

Smartphones and other digital technologies are also having positive effects for women farmers in rural communities. When communicating through social media and messaging apps, many women are already creating new market links and partnershipstaking steps forward to close the gender gap and achieve economic independence.

Malika, for example, has shown that her smartphone has helped her generate more income for her livelihood. A higher profit covers more family expenses and allows him to reinvest in her farm.

In her community, Malika is an example of a woman who has taken advantage of these opportunities and achieved financial independence through her hard work. FAO and the European Union are convinced that these initiatives strengthen rural communities in Georgia, reduce rural poverty and close the gender gap.



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