Group A of Sisbén It is made up of the population that is in extreme poverty, that is, those households with the least capacity to generate income. It is for this reason that the Government of Colombia granted him the possibility of free access to six fundamental documents.
The free documents to which group A has access
1. Digital ID:
Citizens of Group A can process the digital ID at no cost, which represents a significant saving, since the usual procedure has a value that exceeds 60,000 pesos.
2. Ordinary Passport:
Since October, Group A citizens can apply for an ordinary passport for free, as long as they meet certain requirements established by the Foreign Ministry.
3. Duplicate ID Card and Identity Card:
This benefit is applied only once per person to obtain duplicates of the citizenship card or identity card at no cost.
(READ: How much should I earn to live well in Colombia? This was revealed in a study)
Source: National Planning Department – Facebook
4. Civil Registry:
Obtaining civil registration is also free of costs for people in Group A, thus facilitating access to this essential document.
5. Military Notebook:
Group A citizens can obtain their military passbook at no cost, which is important to comply with their legal obligations.
6. Specific Certifications:
Some additional documents such as medical or educational certificates may be required for certain procedures related to passport and other benefits.
(MORE: Citizen Income: the date in November that beneficiaries should take into account)
Who is part of Group A?
The classification is carried out through Sisben and certain categories are granted to citizens according to their income and possibilities of generating money in the future.
Those who make up Group A are people who have limited resources that prevent them from satisfying their basic needs and within this large group, there are scales that range from 1 to 5, the first being people who live in extreme poverty while the others present difficulties, but they can generate income.
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