A new edition of the SIRGAS Symposium will take place between November 29 and December 1, 2021. The central purpose of the SIRGAS 2021 Symposium is to convene the geodetic community of the Americas and the Caribbean to exchange experiences and progress, as well as formulate new projects related to the implementation, maintenance, and use of the region’s reference geodetic infrastructure.
For reasons of public knowledge (CoVID-19 pandemic), the SIRGAS 2021 Symposium will be held in virtual mode and will be broadcast through the Zoom platform. The event will be open and free to participate, and there will be a simultaneous translation service into English and Spanish.
Although the SIRGAS Symposia are mainly attended by National Representatives, members of the Working Groups and projects, these events are open to the entire international geodetic community, and therefore we cordially invite:
Representatives of regional organizations related to the publication of geospatial information and Earth observations;
Representatives of national institutions responsible for the definition of geodetic reference frames;
Representatives of public and private agencies that use geodetic and geophysical information;
Representatives of universities and research centers on topics related to geodesy and geophysics; and
Scientists, professionals, technicians and students whose activities and research are related to the objectives of SIRGAS.
The activities of the SIRGAS 2021 Symposium will be carried out in 5 sessions of 2 hours each:
1. November 29 – Report of the SIRGAS authorities: President of SIRGAS, Presidents of the SIRGAS Working Groups and update of the GRFA of UN-GGIM: Americas;
2. November 29 – Development and maintenance of the SIRGAS reference framework;
3. November 30 – Modeling of the Earth’s gravity field (geoid, gravimetry,
international height reference system);
4. November 30 – Applications of the SIRGAS reference framework (national reports,
real-time applications, etc.); and
5. December 1 – SIRGAS contributions to the modeling of the Earth System (troposphere,
ionosphere, seismology, oceanography and hydrography).
Applications for presentations will be made by sending a summary of no more than 2,000 characters through the form developed for this purpose (https://app.ign.gob.pe/simposio/expositores/) before July 30, 2021. It must be framed within the thematic axes mentioned above and will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and Executive Committee of SIRGAS. The modalities of presentation will be the following:
Presentations: they are oral presentations of 15 minutes duration; and
Posters: they are posters in pdf format that will be available for download and that
They must be presented orally in 3 minutes.
The logistical organization of the SIRGAS 2021 Symposium is under the coordination of the Local Organizing Committee, which is made up of the SIRGAS Executive Committee and representatives of the National Geographic Institute of Peru, who have kindly provided the email [email protected] for address the doubts and concerns of the case. As in previous opportunities, it has the valuable support of the International Association of Geodesy and the Pan American Institute of Geography and History.
For more details, visit the event website https://app.ign.gob.pe/simposio/