
Silvio Berlusconi’s most controversial phrases about women, other political leaders, or gays

Silvio Berlusconi has never left anyone indifferent: either for his bravado, for his millions, for his public life, or for his affaires sentimental, the one who was a businessman and President of Italy up to three times (1994-1995, 2001-2006 and 2008-2011) He has been characterized by never biting his tongue. Some of themus phrases have generated controversial enough what they deserve be remembered now that he has passed away at the age of 86.

youear a playboy

“A survey says that 33% of Italian girls would sleep with me. The rest of the girls answer: ‘Again?'”. And it is that Silvio Berlusconi has had, or has accompanied him (who knows) the fame of latin lover. Beauty, money or power? Or all together? “I had eleven in a row at the door and I fucked eight”.

Yoeven he used his masculine charms to get a good deal for his country. In this case, the seduced was the president of Finland, Tarja Halonen: “I had to use all my tactics of playboyalthough nottoyes had used for some time.”

[Silvio Berlusconi vende el Milan a unos inversores chinos 31 años después de su llegada]

Of course, sometimes (and when he was interested) he put the brakes on: “Although I’m naughty, 33 girls seems too many to me.” Words he said in the case known as Ruby, when he was accused of having 33 girls subjected to prostitution at one of his parties, including a minor: Ruby.

“It’s much better to like beautiful girls than to be gay”, stated on another occasion. “In all of us there is a 25% part of homosexuality. ANDeither i have it too. After careful examination, I have discovered that mine is a lesbian.”

arrogance in abundance

Arrogance has also accompanied him. As a sample, a button: “The opposition tells me to go home: which one? I’m twenty”. Or this other one in a totally different area: “I have a lot of esteem for the intelligence of the Italians to think that there are so many assholes (idiots) out there who can vote against their interests.” In other words, there is no one better than him to defend those interests.

youalso he liked to give advice: “I didn’ttoes newspapers and as a career choose to marry someone rich”. That was how explicit he was in a speech addressed to the youth of the country. And it is that youth has been one of its weaknesses: “If you weren’t already married, I would handcuff you immediately”he snapped at a young woman at a rally.

His other love: politics

“For love of Italy, I felt that I had to save it from the left.” Here is his raison d’être for getting into politics. Sometimes he threw black humor, or bad taste? “Mussolini never killed anyone, he sent people into exile on vacation”. Neither did he drop the rings when affirming that heto Western civilization is superior to Islam.” But nothing like the description you made of Angela Merkelthe one who was Chancellor of Germany: “She’s an unfuckable buttery ass.”

he liked it better Jose Maria Aznar: “The undisputed and undisputed leader of the center right in Europe is Aznar. He is without question its natural leader.” And of Obamaanother said this: “I am paler than Obama because I haven’t sunbathed in a long time. He is more handsome and taller.”

Silvio Berlusconi and José María Aznar in 2003, during a meeting in Porto Rotondo.

Silvio Berlusconi and José María Aznar in 2003, during a meeting in Porto Rotondo.


AND, As if that were not enough, he would wear as many medals as he thought he was worth: “Only Napoleon did more than I have done”. Of course, when it came to asking for the vote, he was quite a crack: “Please, only young and beautiful women can be here. Old and ugly, please support the opposition.”

More phrases from the ‘Berlusconi harvest’? I have very little hair because my brain is so big that it pushes the hairs out and they fall out.”. Or this other one in defense of his way of doing things: “If by taking care of everyone’s interests, I also take care of mine, it cannot be said that there is a conflict of interest.”

Not to mention that there were times when that popular saying in Spain that “he has passed three towns” was good: “They will discover that Mao did not eat the boys raw but had boiled them to fertilize the fields”. Or this other one in relation to Videla and the flights of death: “Like that of the Argentine dictator who, to eliminate his opponents, put them on a plane and then opened the door and told them: ‘It’s a beautiful day, come out and play'”.

As can be seen, Silvio Berlusconi made good that genius and figure to the grave. “I’ve never screwed up. Not even once. All my blunders are made up of the newspapers“. And, to conclude, another phrase of those that are usually used making good the saying that he did not have a grandmother: “I am the best political leader in Europe and in the world.”

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