
Sheinbaum in her first speech as president of Mexico

Sheinbaum in her first speech as president of Mexico

During her first speech as president of the Mexican people, Claudia Sheinbaum made it clear not only that she will continue the legacy of her predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but she also exalted the importance of women throughout the history of her country and the great significance that power be assumed by one of them, for the first time.

Sheinbaum, 62 years old and former mayor of Mexico City, came to power on June 2 and will give continuity to the center-left ruling party, after taking 30 percentage points from its opponent, the businesswoman Xóchitl Gálvez.

“On June 2 of this year, the people of Mexico democratically and peacefully said loud and clear, it is time for transformation and it is time for women. Today, October 1, 2024, the second stage begins, the second floor of the fourth transformation of public life in Mexico,” said the Mexican president, referring to the political and social project initiated by López Obrador in 2018.

“After at least 503 years, for the first time we women came to lead the destinies of our beautiful nation. And I say we arrived because I did not arrive alone, we all arrived,” added the president, who received the presidential sash from the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Ifigenia Martínez, a 94-year-old historical fighter of the Mexican left, and under the attentive gaze of López Obrador, to whom he dedicated the first part of his speech.

A programmatic speech

The scientist described her predecessor as “the most important political leader and social fighter in modern history, the most beloved president, only comparable to (former president) Lázaro Cárdenas” and praised him as “the best president of Mexico.” The one who initiated the peaceful return of the fourth transformation of public life” in the country.

Sheinbaum not only thanked AMLO – whose popularity greatly favored the new president – for his government, but also detailed his program, which will continue several initiatives of his predecessor and is based on what they call “Mexican humanism.”

López Obrador is the first democratically elected left-wing president in the history of Mexico, after decades of center-right governments linked to the private sector. It generated a revolutionary political current that maintains certain principles recalled by the president in her speech: “For there to be prosperity, it must be shared… for the good of all, first the poor”, “there can be no rich government with poor people” or ” “Women have the right to substantive equality,” among others.

Furthermore, Sheinbaum highlighted that his government will guarantee “all freedoms: freedom of expression, of the press, of assembly, of mobilization.”

In terms of foreign policy, the president highlighted relations with the United States and Canada: “We complement each other and, in addition, we create the conditions for greater consolidation of the economy of the entire continent.” And he highlighted the importance of strengthening the relationship with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean: “History unites us and we are united by commitment.”

In economic matters, he said that he will maintain the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico and will promote public and private investment. He emphasized that he will not increase the price of fuel, domestic gas or electricity “in real terms.”

The president also referred to the controversial judicial reformunder which judges will be elected by popular vote and which has generated demonstrations in their country and the rejection of critics, who affirm that the constitutional changes to replace 7,000 judges throughout the country will be a serious blow to the independence of Power Judicial.

“It means more autonomy and independence of the Judiciary… We want corruption to end… How is a decision that is essentially democratic and allows the people to decide going to be authoritarian?”, the president adjusted, in a ceremony held in Congress of the Union.

The new president of Mexico also made reference to the welfare programs that she will maintain and others that she will create during her government, infrastructure projects, private investment and scientific and innovation programs.

He announced an “ambitious energy transition program towards renewable energy sources that contributes to reducing greenhouse gases that cause climate change” and said he will continue his support for parastatal energy and oil companies. He also announced reforms to guarantee water as the nation’s resource.

One of the issues that most concerns Mexicans is security. In this regard, he noted that he will guarantee “the decrease in high-impact crimes” and that he will focus on intelligence and investigation work, and the strengthening of the National Guard.

“Women can be presidents”

One of the main expectations that have been generated in certain sectors in Mexico is the fact that a woman becomes presidentmore than 70 years after they could vote for the first time and in a country with high rates of gender violence.

A topic that, although touched on in principle, became relevant at the end of the president’s speech. After telling a story about how long ago women were annulled and how “the course of humanity was led only by men,” she emphasized the transformation of that vision.

“We know that women can be presidents and with this I make a respectful invitation to name president with an A at the end, as well as a lawyer, scientist, soldier, firefighter, doctor, teacher, engineer with an A, because as we have been taught, only “what is named exists,” said the president, while her followers shouted ‘president, president’.

Later, she recognized the visible and “invisible” heroines of her country, all those women who fought to see that transformation and female freedom.

“I am a mother, grandmother, scientist and woman of faith. And, as of today, by the will of the people of Mexico, the constitutional president of the United Mexican States,” stated Sheinbaum.

“I am certain that together we will consolidate a Mexico that is increasingly more prosperous, free, democratic, sovereign and fair, I will not let you down,” the president concluded.

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