Science and Tech

Sheinbaum appoints Emiliano Calderón as CEO of CFE TEIT

Sheinbaum appoints Emiliano Calderón as CEO of CFE TEIT

As advanced Expansionthe name of Calderón Mercado had been put on the table to replace David Pantoja as he was a highly known profile in the industry for serving as coordinator of the National Digital Strategy, but also for being a close and ‘trusted’ man of the president. Lopez Obrador.

During the López Obrador administration, Calderón Mercado has been involved in the development of the Internet for All program. In the president’s morning conferences it is usual for him to appear or have some participation to talk about the progress of the connectivity project.

However, his role as head of the National Digital Strategy was questioned by industry experts because the roadmap to digitize the country was published three years after the beginning of the six-year term, and until now there is no clarity on the impact of said plan in the digitalization of the country.

Emiliano Calderón has a degree in management and public administration from the Ortega y Gasset University Research Institute, completed in 2022.

According to information from the Public Service, his career began in 2002 as an IT policy advisor in the executive coordination of IT development and ended in 2006. But he also worked politically. From 2014 to 2018 he served as technical coordinator of the Morena party, as well as a priority representative in the National Electoral Institute (INE). A year later he would enter the Office of the Presidency of the Republic to hold the position as Coordinator of the National Digital Strategy.

Emiliano Calderón must draw a route that allows connecting to areas where internet and telephone services are not yet enabled without putting the state company at financial risk. In addition, it must prevent its operation, together with that of Altán, from violating the competitiveness of the sector, given that there is a reform that seeks to strengthen the company over its competitors.

With information from Ana Luisa Gutiérrez

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