
"She won just for being a woman"popular streamer is pissed that Rivers won the streamer of the year award at the Esports Awards 2024

Rivers has won twice at the Esports Awards, deservedly so thanks to the support of his fans.

The weekend was excellent for the Spanish-speaking streaming community, since the Mexican Rivers She won the award for streamer of the year for the second time in a row. However, this did not please many viewers, who expected more important personalities to win. One of the dissatisfied is a controversial streamer who claims that the Mexican won the award without deserving it, but seems to ignore an important detail.

The streamer in question is Zack Hoytbetter known as Asmongoldwhich after the results were announced it was said “burned” and explained his outrage about it in a broadcast.

“I’m pissed that it’s obviously a diversity selection because she’s a woman,” the online personality commented.[El ganador] had to be Speed either Kai either CaseOh or like 3 other people. Everyone knows it.”

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We must mention that this feeling was not exclusive to Asmongoldbut there was a huge portion of viewers (especially the English-speaking community) who also felt that the award should go to other streamers who made more last year.

The chat, of course, agreed with Asmongoldwho could see his dissatisfaction so much that he described the award as a “nuisance“, reaffirming that Rivers was only there because she’s a woman. The streamer even mentioned that it’s “f*cking detestable“that the Mexican was among the candidates for the award because she is not even one of the female streamers most prominent.

Rivers did not win the streamer of the year award at the Esports Awardsfor being a woman“but for the support of their fans

However, there is something that Asmongold and other people who share this feeling forget or are unaware: the streamer of the year award of the Esports Awards It is not awarded to the streamer who did the most merits last year or even to the one who has the most followers, but to the streamer who receives the most votessince it is the only criterion taken into account to win the award.

As we made clear in a previous note, Rivers Not only is she a streamer with one of the largest communities, but she’s also one that provides unconditional support, so it’s no surprise that she was the best organized to beat the other candidates.

It is important to remember that this is not the first time that Rivers appears as a candidate in the Esports Awardsbut also did so last year, a ceremony in which he also won the award.

In case you missed it: Mexicans Alana and Ama Blitz shined at the Evening of the Year 4.

Rivers has won twice at the Esports Awards, deservedly so thanks to the support of his fans.

What do you think of the confusion generated by the victory of Rivers in the Esports Awards? Tell us in the comments or in Discord.

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