economy and politics

SEPTEMBER 26, 2023: Exchange meeting between the Development Bank of El Salvador (BANDESAL), the Costa Rica Development Banking System (SBD), of Costa Rica and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

Objective: Generate a space for exchanging experiences between BANDESAL and SBD in relation to good practices on initiatives aimed at the fair and informed inclusion of women, particularly women with business activity in the financial system. This activity is part of ECLAC’s technical assistance with the SBD to contribute to the implementation of the Gender Equality Policy of the Development Banking System of Costa Rica.

Participating entities: Development Bank of El Salvador (BANDESAL); Costa Rica Development Banking System (SBD); National Women’s Institute (INAMU), National Learning Institute (INA); Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Results: the experience of BANDESAL was presented and debated on: 1. The characteristics of the products and mechanisms of the Development Bank of El Salvador that promote access to financial services for women; 2. The challenges identified in the design and implementation of these initiatives (institutional, demand from financial institutions, demand from women, among others); and 3. Gender policies and strengthening of personnel on gender equality issues.

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