
Scholz will meet with Bin Salmán over the weekend as part of a tour to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE

Scholz will meet with Bin Salmán over the weekend as part of a tour to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE

BERLIN, 19 Sep. (DPA/EP) –

The Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, will meet over the weekend with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohamad bin Salmán, as part of a tour that will also take him to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as confirmed this Monday the spokesman of the German Government, Steffen Hebestreit.

Hebestreit has pointed out that the 2018 murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashogi inside the Saudi consulate in the Turkish city of Istanbul “will certainly play a role” in the talks, although he has declined to comment on the matter. “What it will be (that role) is something that I dare not predict at this time,” she has pointed out.

The United States Intelligence services pointed to Bin Salmán as responsible for the murder of Jashogi, who worked for the newspaper ‘The Washington Post’, although the Saudi authorities have disassociated the crown prince from the event, who ‘de facto’ leads the country Asian.

Bin Salmán was initially isolated internationally, although after a meeting in July with the US president, Joe Biden, and a trip to the European Union, during which he met in Paris with the French president, Emmanuel Macron, his relations with Western leaders also seem to be gradually getting back on track.

The German Executive has also stressed that Scholz’s trip to Qatar will focus on gas supply, after German Economy Minister Robert Habeck agreed on an energy partnership during a visit to the country in March.

However, concrete agreements between Qatar and German companies are not yet known. The country began to invest in gas in the 1980s and 1990s and today is one of the largest exporters of liquefied gas in the world. The German chancellor will close his tour in the UAE, without details about his schedule.

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