economy and politics

Scholz limits Chinese participation in a terminal in the port of Hamburg to less than 25%

The German Government will authorize the participation of a subsidiary of the Chinese state shipyard Cosco in the commercial port of Hamburg below 25% in one of its terminals to prevent it from exercising its influence on critical infrastructure.

The decision is seen as a compromise between Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s tripartite. Both the Greens and the Liberal Party (FDP) rejected the participation of the Chinese company, which planned to acquire 35%.

But according to liberal Agnes Strack Zimmermann this compromise is a major mistake in uncertain times.

The European Populars were more blunt when tweeting: The German chancellor paves the way for the Chinese to take over parts of the Port of Hamburg.

“Mr. Scholz, our infrastructure must not become a gift before your visit to #China!

It seems that the strategic challenges regarding China have not reached @OlafScholz yet.”

Despite the controversy, Chancellor Olaf Scholz will travel to China accompanied by a delegation of businessmen, taking up a practice of his predecessor, Angela Merkel.

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