economy and politics

Sánchez vindicates Spain as a world benchmark for equality policies on his American tour

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, considers that the approval of the Law of Comprehensive Guarantee of Sexual Freedom, known as the law of only yes is yes, represents another step forward for Spain as a world benchmark in terms of gender equality, freedoms and civil rights. Sánchez has referred to the approval of that law by Congress this Thursday in the statement that he has made together with the president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, on the occasion of the official visit that he has made to this country.

Sánchez travels to Colombia, Ecuador and Honduras to deepen the relationship and position the companies

Sánchez travels to Colombia, Ecuador and Honduras to deepen the relationship and position the companies

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The president concluded this Friday in that Central American country a brief tour of Latin America in which he has also visited Colombia and Ecuador. The objective of the trip was to deepen bilateral relations and position Spanish companies in these countries before the new opportunities that lie ahead.

In Honduras, the chief executive explained that Spain has always been at the forefront of gender equality and advances in civil rights thanks to leftist governments.

To the measures that have been approved in recent years is now added that law of only yes is yes whose approval has been celebrated and with which it has said that women are more protected and greater security and freedom are ensured.

Spain, “a benchmark”

“Spain is a country that loves equality and civil rights. We were pioneers with the Equality Law, in the fight against gender violence and in the recognition of marriage between people of the same gender”, Sánchez recalled.

Now, with the new law, which he has said protects women against all kinds of violence, he has considered that Spain continues on the path of being a world benchmark in terms of freedoms and civil rights.

Sánchez has guaranteed that his Government will continue promoting advances that make Spain an even greater reference in gender equality throughout the world.

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