economy and politics

Sánchez fully enters the ideological combat and establishes himself as a pillar of European social democracy

Sánchez fully enters the ideological combat and establishes himself as a pillar of European social democracy

A step to the side? A step back? One step forward. There is Pedro Sánchez for a while. The President of the Government closed the 41st Federal Congress of the PSOE this Sunday, after being elected with 90% of the support of the more than 1,000 delegates who participated in the conclave. And he did it with a harangue to cadres and militants with which he raised the low morale that was felt throughout the weekend at the conclave held in Seville. Because of the judicial offensive, because of the campaign of harassment and demolition of the political-media right, because of the spread of hoaxes, because of the lack of internal debate, because of the absence of ideas or whatever…

Without mentioning even once the judges or Alberto Núñez Feijóo, his almost 50 minutes of speech were the only ideological charge that was heard in the three days of a congress from which no one left too satisfied. Pedro Sánchez made a radical defense of the public in a framework in which he proclaimed his strength to continue until 2027. The message was clear, resounding and unequivocal: “I have desire, enthusiasm and more strength than ever.” If there are those who think that, after the doubts of the 5 days of April, 10 years as Secretary General and almost 7 years as President of the Government, the tenant of La Moncloa is weak, they are wrong. He neither breaks nor gives up, despite feeling like a victim of “hate and haters.”

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