economy and politics

Sánchez confirms that he will present the 2025 PGE and that next Tuesday the Government will approve the spending ceiling

Sánchez confirms that he will present the 2025 PGE and that next Tuesday the Government will approve the spending ceiling

September 4 () –

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has confirmed that the Government will work towards the approval of a General State Budget and has announced that the next Council of Ministers will once again approve the non-financial spending limit for 2025, known as the spending ceiling, and the budgetary stability and public debt objectives for all Administrations for submission to Parliament for debate and voting.

“I announce that at the next Council of Ministers we will approve the spending ceiling again for submission to Parliament,” the head of the Executive announced during the opening ceremony of the political year, which was held at the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute in Madrid.

At the end of July, the Plenary Session of the Congress of Deputies rejected the objectives of budgetary stability and public debt for all administrations, which is the first step towards the approval of the public accounts, after the unexpected vote against by Junts.

The Minister of Economy, Trade and Business, Carlos Cuerpo, has already publicly hinted that the Government will once again present the same budgetary stability objectives for all public administrations, arguing that this is a “very sensible and very positive” proposal for the autonomous communities and local governments.

However, Sánchez has confirmed that the Government “will work towards the approval of a General State Budget that bears the DNA, the brand and the seal of the progressive coalition government.” “A social, ambitious Budget that consolidates and expands the public investment that we have come to make,” Sánchez emphasised, thus dispelling any doubts that the Government had given up on presenting next year’s accounts.


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