
Sánchez agrees with the Australian Prime Minister to send a high-level trade delegation to his country this year

Sánchez agrees with the Australian Prime Minister to send a high-level trade delegation to his country this year

Both call on Russia to withdraw from Ukraine and reaffirm their commitment to conclude an “ambitious and comprehensive” Australia-EU trade agreement.

June 28. () –

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, today agreed that Spain will send a high-level trade delegation to this country this year, while both have reaffirmed their commitment to the rapid conclusion of a comprehensive and ambitious Trade Agreement between Australia and the European Union. Both also call on Russia to withdraw from Ukraine and be held accountable for the invasion.

This is the first bilateral visit to Spain by an Australian Prime Minister to Spain, who was received this morning by the Prime Minister in Moncloa, within the framework of the NATO Summit in Madrid, which will begin tomorrow and It will last until Thursday.

After recalling that in 2023 it will be 55 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two nations, both leaders reaffirmed the “cordial and productive relationship” between Spain and Australia, positively assessing the “strong growth” of the bilateral economic and trade relationship between both countries.

According to Moncloa, the Albanese Prime Minister welcomed the substantial contribution of Spanish companies to the renewable energy and infrastructure sectors in Australia, while President Sánchez welcomed the fact that Australian investment funds have significantly increased their presence in Spain in the last years.

In addition, both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the rapid conclusion of a “broad and ambitious” Trade Agreement between Australia and the European Union and the Australian Prime Minister welcomed President Sánchez’s proposal that a high-level Spanish trade delegation visit Australia in 2022.

The two leaders have expressed their desire to intensify cultural and educational exchanges and highlighted the contribution of the Cervantes Institute. They have also recognized the important role of the Spain-Australia Council Foundation in promoting links between companies and civil societies of both nations.

“As Spain prepares for its presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2023, the leaders intend to deepen and expand Australia’s and Spain’s long-standing engagement in policy areas of mutual interest,” the Declaration said. of both countries after the meeting.


Both have also addressed the “long cooperation” in the defense industry between Spain and Australia, which has contributed to the naval capacity of both nations. Thus, the Albanese Prime Minister highlighted in particular the participation of the Spanish shipbuilder Navantia in the design and construction of 60 percent, by tonnage, of the Royal Australian Navy ships that have entered service since 2006.

The challenge of the global climate crisis is another issue that both leaders have addressed, highlighting the need to work together to accelerate the transition to clean energy while maintaining and improving energy security.

At this point, the Spanish President welcomed Australia’s commitment to stronger climate action, and the Prime Minister
Albanese has welcomed the EU’s REPowerEU plan and other European Union climate initiatives to make Europe independent of Russian fossil fuels and accelerate efforts to combat climate change.

Along these lines, both have condemned the “unilateral, illegal and immoral aggression of Russia against the people of Ukraine” and consider that the invasion is a serious violation of international law, including the Charter of the United Nations.

Spain and Australia, which have agreed to continue supporting Ukraine, have reaffirmed their strong support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and have called on Russia to immediately withdraw its forces from Ukrainian territory and “be accountable for its actions”.

In addition, the Australian Prime Minister praised Spain’s contribution to NATO’s combined efforts to support Ukraine and to address global security challenges. “Australia is committed to working with NATO to maintain international solidarity in response to authoritarian pressure and commitment to international rules and norms,” ​​said the statement, which includes Pedro Sánchez’s gratitude “for Australia’s determined support for Ukraine”.


Sánchez and Albanese have also addressed the situation in the Indo-Pacific area, reaffirming their vision of a free, open and resilient Euro-Atlantic area, “where countries respect the fundamental principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and international law, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which includes the right to exercise freedom of navigation and overflight”.

Australia has welcomed the “increased commitment” of Europe in the Indo-Pacific, reflected both in the appointment by Spain of an Ambassador for this region, and in the Joint Communication on the European Union Strategy for cooperation in the indo-pacific region.


Both countries have agreed to explore more opportunities to work together in the region, in areas such as supporting greater investment in infrastructure and clean energy.

And as “important” partners in multilateral forums, including the United Nations and the G20, Spain and Australia agreed to increase collaboration and work together to “counter threats to the rules-based order and preserve the integrity of the multilateral system.”

“The two countries will cooperate to promote human rights, gender equality, sustainable and inclusive development, and climate action as shared priorities throughout the multilateral system,” the Declaration concludes.

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