economy and politics

Samsung Electronics to resume talks with striking union

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In South Korea, it is expected that Samsung Electronics Co. and its largest labor union to resume talks this week. The union has been on strike since early last week over disputes over pay increases.

The company’s management has sent a letter to the National Samsung Electronics Workers Union (NSEU) suggesting an “unconditional resumption of negotiations.”

The response follows an offer of dialogue made by the NSEU, in which the company was asked to return to the negotiating table with sincere proposals.

The upcoming talks will be the first since the union declared a general strike on Monday last week, threatening to halt the company’s production.

During the meeting, both sides will study mutual proposals and requests and set dates for further negotiations.

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The union’s demands include a 5.6 percent increase in basic pay for all members, a guaranteed day off for the union’s founding day and compensation for economic losses due to the strike.

Despite workers protesting for more than 10 days, Samsung Electronics reported that there has been minimal impact on production.

According to the NSEU, the union has a total membership of 31,000 members, representing approximately 24 percent of Samsung Electronics’ total workforce of 125,000.

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