
SAG-AFTRA reveals the terrifying use Hollywood wants to put to AI

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Much has been questioned about the ethical nature of the use of artificial intelligence, since it could well completely replace workers. American creatives are so afraid of this technology and the fear is not unfounded, since it is enough to look at Hollywood’s proposal to bring the world closer to a dystopian future dominated by artificial intelligence.

The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) strike kicked off today after the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) failed to address the concerns of its members, who joined to the Writers Guild of the United States Writers Guild (WGA). Thus, the 11,000 members of the WGA were joined by the little more than 160,000 members of SAG-AFTRA, incredibly escalating the conflict.

“Now is the time to act” reads the official union strike site. “SAG-AFTRA negotiated in good faith with the AMPTP. We say that we need a modern contract that addresses modern problems.”

“As usual, they countered with business: revenue erosion. AI exploitation. Abusive self-taping claims.” It is read on the site. “Our careers as members are in jeopardy. That’s why we’re on strike.”

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Artificial intelligence is the main fear of SAG-AFTRA and WGA

While one of the issues that sparked the strike is declining earnings for actors due to streaming services, the bigger concern is the use of artificial intelligence to virtually replace them.

This was revealed by Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, national executive director and chief negotiator of SAG-AFTRA, at a press conference.

In case you missed it: actress of Person He was the victim of harassment after being part of a controversy surrounding artificial intelligence.

According to Crabtree-Ireland, the proposal, which the AMPTP called “innovative” was that the actors had to be scanned so that the companies had a digital version of them. The frightening thing is that they would only be paid once, while studios could use these virtual versions “for the rest of eternity on any project they want without consent and without compensation”, thus rendering the actors disposable.

Artificial intelligence already has applications in other work areas and it is interesting to see how the union of actors and creatives in the United States has just realized how threatening this technology is, to such an extent that they went on strike, something that had not been seen since 1960.

What do you think of the strike of writers and actors in the United States? Tell us in the comments.

You can find more news related to artificial intelligence if you visit this page.

Related video: Artificial Intelligence will replace us

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