
Russia stops the last reactor in Zaporizhia but warns of the risk of a nuclear accident

Russia stops the last reactor in Zaporizhia but warns of the risk of a nuclear accident

Russia has reported this Sunday, day 200 of the war, that it has stopped the last reactor that was still operating at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which it controls practically since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, in February.

According to Moscow, the reason is none other than the incessant attacks on the facilities, which pose a serious risk. “The reactor has been stopped and work is currently being carried out to cool it down,” reports the Interfax agency.

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The adviser to the Russian concern Rosenergoatom, Renat Karchaahas pointed out that this step is not an absolute guarantee against a nuclear accident if artillery attacks continue, for which he blames the Ukrainian army.

The Director General of the International Nuclear Energy Agency (IAEA), Raphael Grossialready warned on Friday about the possibility of an accident after a bombardment that cut off the external electrical connection with the plant, the largest in Europe.

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“Let me be clear: the bombing around the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant must stop and a nuclear protection and security zone must be agreed immediately,” Grossi said this Saturday, forceful.

The Russian army has occupied the Zaporizhia plant since March 4, with six reactors and some 10,000 employees, and for a month Ukraine and Russia have accused each other of the attacks around the plant.

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